Sunday, May 23, 2010


Me and my hubs J do life in a rather... er, less-than-obvious way. It’s not really that we are trying to make life harder for ourselves, but apparently our method of living does exhibit proof that a much easier road might have been taken. But easy is not really our M.O.

We've tried.
Really, we have.

Like the time I decided to make it easy on myself in preparing for a backpacking trip with our 6 month old and dehydrate all his food in advance (which of course also meant scouring Chicagoland to find a dehydrator to buy on a days notice) so it would be sooo easy to just add water on the trail and voila – instant baby food. Had the thought even occurred to me that now-a-days they make this wonderful thing called “jarred baby food”?
It comes in these cute tiny little pre-portioned jars of food! You don’t need to refrigerate it – you merely throw it in your backpack and start yourself and little one down that trail! I mean, what’s a few more ounces on a two day trip?!?!
Jimminy Crickets.
Now, let me just preface this entire blog by pointing out that I really am not the airhead I just made myself out to be. It’s just that if there is a harder, or more difficult way of doing something – that way definitely has proven itself to be this family's 1st inclination at how to go about something.
I am not really sure that there is really any merit in this method of living other than the fact that we truly believe that many times the harder way is the better way (at least more rewarding).

So I hope I have given you permission not to succumb to that overreaching impulse to constantly ask yourself when reading about our life “why wouldn’t they just…”. The answer will just make less sense to you than the pickle at hand.
And if you are reading this and nodding vigorously in approval of our antics because you were just thinking the same thing – then I hope you find comfort in reading the woes and joys of kindred spirits, because sometimes the road less traveled is just, well, sort of like the highway after a Chicago winter when the potholes get so big that people are literally suing the city for all the car repairs they have incurred because their Lexus LS10 didn’t come equipped with an 8” suspension.

Don’t ask.

That being said, we have recently embarked on an adventure that is pretty big. So big in fact, that we thought what we learn from this experience might actually be beneficial information to like minded individuals out there who may be contemplating a similar operation. Or at least entertaining to those who think these sort of antics are amusing?


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Hi. We're the Wightmans. Here's a little bit about us: We are outdoors folks. We love it outdoors. Everything we do actually has an end goal of getting us outside in some fashion. We love to travel too. Our travel adventures have us a bit closer to home these days as our tyke can't do much mileage yet, but he'll get there. We both work in the field of architecture and have a thing about design. As in, do it people! Cryin out loud. Becki and Teagan are vegan and have a lot of food adventures that Jason is normally drug into pretty willingly these days.

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